Thursday, March 24, 2011

6 months old

Sydney is 6 months old today!!! I can't believe 6 months have come and gone since she was born. It is amazing how much she has grown and matured. She's such a cutie. She's cut 2 teeth and is so cute when she smiles. She's laughing so much now, most of the time at Barnie. I'm glad she finds him amusing. She's doing great eating her solids. We've figured out that in order for her to eat her cereal we have to mix it with juice. She's tried green beans, apples, peas, and carrots so far. She likes apples the least. I'm glad she likes her veggies so much. Next on the list is bananas--her treat for tonight since she's celebrating her 1/2 birthday. :)

Her 6 month appointment is tomorrow. I'll try to post her stats afterwards. Here's some pictures. Enjoy!

First time in the jogging stroller.

Chillin' with Auntie Em.

Snuggle bunnies

Traumatized by the sound of Barnie barking at the vacuum cleaner.


Mommy found me hanging on to my crib like this.

View from above.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Trips, Oatmeal, and Green beans

This post will have to be short.  But I wanted to post pics of her recent activities.  Sydney went to the Gulf Coast to visit Auntie Em.  Yesterday we went to Atlanta and Sydney had her first meal, a bottle, at the Varsity.  She's also starting eating oatmeal cereal since she wasn't a big fan of the rice cereal.  She definitely likes the oatmeal better than the rice.  She also just had her first veggie tonight--green beans.  She actually liked them.  She kept opening her mouth for more.  She's continuing to grow everyday.  We love her so much!  Enjoy the pictures.