Friday, October 29, 2010

Week 5

Week 5 was a big week for Sydney.  She turned 1 month old on Sunday, and on Monday she had her 1 month well baby appointment.  She weighed in at 10 pounds 1 ounce (total weight gain of 2 pounds 6 ounces since birth) and measured 21 3/4 inches--a whole 3 inches taller since birth!  The doctor called her a little piggy :)  She definitely likes her bottle!  The doctor also said she's going to have light hair since her eyebrows are so light.  She's also outgrown her newborn size diapers and most of the newborn clothes.

Sydney also took her first trip to the mall this week.  We went looking for her something to wear for her photo shoot coming up in November.  I would like to find something Christmasy but at the rate she's growing, I'm not sure if it'll fit come Christmas. 

Sydney first smiled for Jonathan a few days ago and then smiled for me on Tuesday.  She was so cute.  I can't wait until she starts cooing.  She did chuckle a little bit the other day but hasn't done it since then.  I hope since she smiled for Jonathan first that she'll say Mama first for me.  :)

Here's some pictures from our week.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Week 4

This week has definitely been a little challenging.  Sydney must be going through her 3 week growth spurt this week.  She's wanted to eat around the clock.  So, sleep this week has been fleeting.  I think she is also starting to have some separation anxiety from mommy and daddy.  She is okay when we put her down, but within 5 minutes, she starts crying.  In order to get some much needed sleep, we've driven her around the block 4 nights now.  Once we get her in the car and start moving, she's out like a light.  It works, but we can't make this a habit.

Sydney had her first bath in the bath tub this week.  She was so cute!  I think she enjoyed it.

She is also smiling a lot in her sleep, but the smiles are directed at anything yet.  She should start smiling at us any day now.

We can't believe it, but she'll be 1 month old on Sunday!  It doesn't seem like it was one month ago when she was born.  Time does fly (except when it's 2:30 am and she won't go to sleep).  Monday she goes for her one month well baby check up.  I can't wait to see how much she weights.  She has to be over 9 lbs given how much she's been eating. 

Here are a few pics from the week.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Week 3

Jonathan went back to work this past Monday, so it was just Sydney, Barnie, and me at home.  I think we did pretty good.  We took a walk everyday except one when it rained.  Yesterday's walk was the best-these cooler temperatures are great!

Sydney is definitely growing.  She's getting taller because she is almost as long as the bassinet when she extends her legs and raises her arms.  We decided to try her out in the crib last night.  It went well.  I think she really likes her room.  She looks around whenever we go in there to change her diaper.  I think she likes all the colors and stuffed animals.  She's also getting stronger.  Whenever I burp her, I struggle to keep her still.  She's also eating so much.  I hope we're not feeding her too much. :)

Sydney also got a visit from her Aunt Katie from California this past week.  She's finally met all of her aunts and now only has Uncle Jared to meet. 

Here are some pictures from the last week.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 2

We can't believe we've been parents for 2 weeks now.  It's amazing how fast these two weeks have flown by.  We've been blessed that Jonathan's been able to stay home these past two weeks.  He's been such a huge help these past two weeks!  Next week will be my first week to fly solo during the day, and that makes me a little nervous.  Please keep us in your prayers as we make even more adjustments this next week.

Sydney is doing great. She eats and eats and eats. She's already past her birth weight (as of Monday). She's definitely a night owl. We've got to work on her being alert more during the daytime and stay asleep between feedings a night. She also likes to grunt when she sleeps, so I hear the noises and feel like she's waking up when she's not. We have to begin to gradually move her bassinet closer to the nursery just so that we can get a little more sleep while she's sleeping.

Here's some pictures from the past week.