Monday, January 31, 2011

4 Months Old/Trip to California

Sydney is now 4 months old!  We can't believe how quick she's growing up.  She changes every day and seems to advance so much in what she's capable of doing.  She's continuing to perfect her babbling and squealing.  She continues to try oh so hard to roll over from back to front.  And, she getting better at sitting supported upright. 

We went to California last week to see my sister Katie and her husband Jared, his brother Dan, and their dog Bernie.  We had a great time visiting with them and exploring the coast.  The Monterey Peninsula was beautiful.  The water was so clear and blue, it was was breathtaking.  We did the 17 Mile Drive through Pacific Grove, Pebble Beach, etc.  It was neat to see all those golf courses with such a beautiful view of the ocean.  We went to Carmel and explored the neat shops in the cottages and enjoyed a sunset walk on the beach with everyone including Bernie.  I think Sydney really liked the ocean.  We also drove to Big Sur.  It's so neat to see the mountains just drop off into the ocean there.  It's incredible.  We then drove up to San Francisco and rode a cable car and rode over the Golden Gate Bridge.  The trip was so fun and Sydney did so great traveling.

Sydney had her 4 month doctor's visit today.  She is now 14 lbs 14 ounces (75th percentile) and is 25 1/2 inches long (90th percentile).  Looks like she's going to be tall like her daddy.  Sydney also gets to start solids.  We'll start with rice cereal for about a week and then start adding fruits and veggies one at a time.  We'll be sure to post pics and videos of that!  I was expecting the doctor to tell us to start solids soon, but when she actually said it, I almost cried.  I was kind of surprised by that and held back the tears, but I guess just hearing her say that and picturing little Sydney eating with a spoon, made me realize she's growing up.  I catch myself every now and then saying, "I can't wait until..." and I have to stop and say, "No Natalie don't say that.  Enjoy every minute of it now." 

Here are just a few of the pictures we took from our trip. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

Almost 4 Months Old

Sorry that we haven't posted anything in a while.  We've been a little under the weather with sinus infections this past week.  Luckily Sydney hasn't really come down with anything. 

Sydney is continuing to grow leaps and bounds.  She's developing more skills such as picking up toys and bringing them to her mouth to eat them.  She really likes her Rudolph and monkey named Mischief.  She's also starting to laugh.  She laughed the first time the other day when she was sitting in my lap and Barnie came up to us with the tennis ball in his mouth.  He'll do this when he wants me to throw it for him, and she found it funny.  It was such a cute laugh.  She's really only laughed like that once since then when I pull the birdie and lady bug that hang from her car seat handle. 

She still hasn't rolled over from back to front, but she's really close.  Poor thing, she gets so frustrated when she cannot.  She has rolled over a few more times from front to back though. 

I'm trying to get her to nap in her crib more, since inevitably she'll outgrow the swing one day.  It's not going too great.  She'll nap in there for about 30-45 minutes and then wakes up and wants the swing.  I guess I shouldn't give in, but I can't keep rocking her almost to sleep and then putting her in the crib all day.  Any tips would be appreciated. 

Sydney also had her biggest snow week before last. She's already had 4 snow events since she was born. I think she enjoyed watching it out the window when I'd hold her up to look out.
Here's a few pictures from the last couple of weeks. Enjoy!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Waking Up

Umm Umm Good!

I like to Squeal.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

14 Weeks Old

We all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year season.  We started it all off with Sydney's dedication on the 19th, had a few days to chill at home, then we went up to Albertville to the grandparents' houses.  We celebrated Christmas Eve with Gran nana and Papa and Christmas morning with Patty Gram and Granddad Chip.  Sydney got lots of clothes and toys for Christmas.  She got her first two baby dolls and some Baby Einstein videos (which I think Barnie is enjoying more than Sydney).  For Christmas lunch we went to my Granny and Papa's and Christmas dinner at Mawmaw's.  Sydney had her first white Christmas.  The snow started falling early that morning and was so beautiful.  It made our first Christmas as a family extra special!  The following day we went to Newnan to see Sydney's great grandparents Sidney and Virginia, and then we set off on her first road trip to Charleston, SC to see Jonathan's grandmother and granddad and Asheville, NC to see Kathleen.  Sydney did great on her road trip!  We were really impressed.  She also spent her first night in a hotel. 

We rang in the New Year in Albertville with Gran nana and Papa, Auntie Em, Randall, Beverly, and Cecily.  Sydney was actually awake at midnight getting her last bottle for the night.  We were a little off on our schedule from all the traveling. 

Sydney is still doing great sleeping through the night.  She consistently sleeps from 10 or 11 pm until 7 or 8 am.  We are so thankful for that! 

Sydney rolled over for the first time from front to back on January 2nd.  We were so excited.  She did it two more times afterwards.  I have to watch myself...I start talking to her as if she is a dog learning to roll over.

Here are some pictures from the holiday travels.