This has been a really great week! Sydney is sleeping really well at night now. She was sleeping around 6 hours straight, then it was 8, now she's slept 10 hours straight for 3 nights. We feel so much better now that we're getting some uninterrupted sleep. I really hope this keeps up.
I am so excited about Christmas this year! I think even more so than years past. This year it will be extra special with Sydney. Saturday is Jonathan and my 6th year anniversary. I cannot believe we've been married that long and now have a child. God has truly blessed us with so many things, especially with a daughter. This coming Sunday we will dedicate her to God. I went to a Moms and More Bible study at church this morning and was reminded that we do not own our children, God does. We are simply trustees. I have been so worried about what I'm going to wear, what she's going to wear, will she cry, etc. that I have forgotten to focus on the meaning of what we will be doing. God has entrusted this tiny life to us and we are to glorify and honor him in how we raise her. As our pastor always says during baby dedications, every child is a gift from God and with it comes responsibility. We are to teach her his word and pray that one day she'll open her heart to him. I just pray that I will not just dedicate her to God on Sunday, but that I will do so everyday that I have the privilege of raising her. I am so looking forward to this Sunday. After the dedication we are having family over to celebrate Sydney's life. All of Sydney's aunts and uncles will here, all her grandparents, and even some of her great grandparents and four of her great aunts and uncles.
Here are a couple of pictures from the past week. Enjoy!